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Dealing with unforeseen circumstances.

When you are at the bottom the only way is up!

It has happened to me, and it has happened to you, it has happened to every one of us. Problems are the spice of life, they make life unpredictable, and no matter how much we crave stability if we get too much of it, we end up hating it. Boredom and monotony are as stressful as constant change. But what if you encounter those problems that seem impossible? What happens then? What if you reach that period in your life, where everything seems to push you further down in the abys? Well, like everything in our lives, what goes down needs to come up, and so do you eventually. I will also add to this that you can’t avoid going down, but you can control in which state you come back up.

Like everything, problems and solutions come at a cost, but the price is very relevant to your evaluation of it. I had a situation where suddenly several issues materialised in my life, all together, and they affected my financial wellbeing as well as my state of mind, and I wasn’t prepared for it! Who is? Everything seemed to be going wrong, and I got depressed. I started putting on weight. I worked more hours to try and come up with a solution for my financial problems, which resulted in not having time to eat correctly and keep in shape, which only led to more issues not to mention the effects on my relationship with family and friends. Then on a day when everything seemed to be at the worst, it possibly could, suddenly it hit me. Something I had heard at school, “for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction”. I started remembering things that I had learned during years of martial arts training. Stuff about the mutability of water, how it moves around objects rather than against them. How in life we needed to adopt that philosophy and I started realizing that really and truly what I was doing was trying to hit back head-on at life and life was responding in kind. So, I started asking myself, what if I try to look at things from a different angle? What if focusing all my energy into one direction is not the solution but the problem? If the business is giving me trouble now, focusing all my resources on my business means that I am locking myself inside a vicious circle and that you do not solve an imbalance in life with another one. It might sound counter-intuitive but follow my frame of mind here. Spending more of my time stuck in my head, trying to resolve the issue meant less time off for my brain to unplug. Spending less time with my family meant eventually losing their emotional backing. Spending less time with my friends meant isolating myself in my problem, ignoring my body meant depriving my brain of the health I needed to surmount my issues. Do you see the imbalance here? I needed to understand how deep I was in the abys and I needed to find solutions by using positive energy in my life that could energize me, like my family, my physical state, my relationships with others.

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Suddenly I realized that my point of view was thwarted. So I changed the angle I was using to look at things. What if I equipped my body and my mind with the emotional and physical tools I needed to climb back on my feet? I suddenly realized that going to even higher heights than going back to where I was would not have been such a difficult task after all. I learned that a sudden change of perspective, that change of mentality did it for me. Understanding that when you are touching the bottom if you look up the direction is panned out for you was cardinal. Really and truly you need the tools to climb up, and then things seem more manageable, and they are.

As I said, the problem usually is the point of view. As I stated “if you look up the direction is panned out for you” the problem is that we get caught in the moment, in the situation, and we look in the only direction most of us always look at, DOWN. Things are as complicated as we make them my friends and therefore you might find people starving but happy and others drowning in wealth but unhappy and depressed because, in the end, you program your brain with a mindset. That mindset sets you up for happiness or desperation, success or failure.

Let me add this little snippet to the above. So, perspective is critical, and we have identified that, now if you add the below to the equation, things get even more exciting.

"If you fall during a race what makes you still competitive is how quickly you stand back up!"

An old mentor of mine once told me that in life, falling is inevitable but how quickly you stand up separates the winners from the losers. I have customers that when faced with a new problem, give in to desperation and pain, and they get stuck in that problem. You find others that get up, but it takes them ages to come out of it. Then you see those few that got so used to getting up following a fall that they understand how cardinal it is to recover as quickly as they can from problems by accepting that issues hit everyone and not in equal measure and that life is unfair. Can you see the difference in their mindset? Some of them got so good at this that they welcome change and the improvement it brings. These individuals understand the rules of the game that is life and have gotten exceptionally good at playing it. They see everything as a challenge and not as a problem. While some are still in the dust, these individuals have already stood up and are back in the race. How much time do we spend giving into desperation and problems? It is how systematic we become in overcoming obstacles and their aftermath that makes the difference in our lives. Change is difficult, but there is something special about those individuals that embrace it and learn how to adapt quickly to it. In which category are you? Did you like this article? You might find other resources on this website that might help you or else if you think we might be of help, do get in touch.

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