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Embrace Pain



There is this scene in the movie Batman VS Superman where Batman asks Superman “Do you bleed?” My question to you is, do you feel pain? I do for sure. Is that a good thing or a bad thing?
What does pain do to us? It is scientific proof that humans respond to two feelings mainly, and they take decisions according to these feelings, pleasure and pain. Humans are driven by a search for pleasure and the ever avoidance of pain. Pain is the strongest of both driving forces. Pain is what drives people out of their comfort zone and into unknown levels of change.

Fear of pain is what keeps people stuck in the same place for a lifetime. Wasting away in fear of something that is not yet reality but the fear of it is so strong that it paralyses many into passive inaction. Let’s take addicts as an example; an addicts’ pain is so unbearable that they seek pleasure to numb the feeling of pain, hence the resulting addiction.

Should you embrace pain? Indeed, you should. Pain reminds you that you are human. Pain is what makes you act to survive. Pain is the one feeling that keeps you on your toes and forces you to make those decisions in your life that change you forever. Without pain, there is no momentum. You feel the pain; you feel alive you act!

The next time you feel pain embrace it, it is an unpleasant sensation, but it is a motivator, a catalyst, an ignition switch to action. No huge achievement has ever started through the pursuit of pleasure the majority have always been a direct result of pain.

Embrace it, get used to it and relish in the knowledge that you can control it, and if you do, the achievements you get out of it will be amazing. On the contrary, the pursuit for pleasure is fleeting, and the moment you reach that pleasure; after a while, you will look for something else. On the other hand, the satisfaction achieved from the feeling of conquering your fears and your pain is an everlasting foot on the accelerator of success.

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