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Knowledge VS Action

Action wins every single time!

In this day and age, we are flooded with information. One might say that knowledge is everywhere and is available at the touch of a button, but does this make our life easier? I was lucky enough to be present during the shift from no internet to the internet so I can tell the difference and let’s say that before the internet revolution life was harder but was also more straightforward.

Let me explain because this might sound confusing and you might think I am going coo-coo. Before the age of information, you needed to look up all the information you required on books, the books where most of the time vetted and written by professionals in the field. It was a finite positive that the information you would get in those books was professionally researched most of the time and that the people behind it had the experience to back up their words. It was harder to find the information, but it was simple to corroborate its value and its content. Today it’s simple to find information on whatever you need but to be sure that this information is accurate and correct is a nightmare.

Let’s just say that before the internet revolution life was harder but was also simpler.

The upcoming question related to the title comes next. Where does that leave action? This is precisely the case, where does it leave action? The answer is simple. We get so lost in information (because there is too much everywhere) that action is few and far between. Lack of action is what affects your business. You get lost in all sorts of chats, emails, social media, google searches, and where does that leave you? At the end of the day, you have done 10% at best of what you had planned.

Information today is fighting for your attention, and you allow it to win most of the time. Time is money and action done within that time; either make you more money or contributes to it. Action is one of the main reasons many successful business people are not academics. Many of them have not even finished college or university, but if there is something that they are, it is doers. They pull up their sleeves and maximize their time to the very best of what they can do, not what they know. They are the first to admit they don’t know everything and they don’t want to know everything. What is important is the action and achievement of goals.

There are many areas that you can tweak to unleash potential and it all starts with action.

Let me point you in the right direction with a small exercise you could do to gauge what I am saying.
Identify three things you need to do that you have been putting back because you needed to research how to do specific parts of said task. Let’s say writing an article you need put out on a website or creating a social media ad or updating your website. These things have been lying around in your to-do list for ages, and the reason why you were not delivering on these items was the time you needed to research how to do it.
Many will tell me, “but I need to research how to do it to be able to do it and cross it off my list”. What if I told you that you would never do it unless you introduce action in the equation? Action in the form of subcontracting the bits you don’t know, action in creating what you can for those points, action into coordinating the parts together. Yes, this will come at a cost. Still, it is much cheaper than leaving these actions unfulfilled. It is also much more expensive to do it yourself if you value your time and understand that your time is much more valuable focused on what really brings money in the bank account.

So if you have given a look at your to-do list and managed to find areas you can action, then this means you will probably make some money in the process.
There are many areas that you can tweak to unleash potential, and it all starts with action.

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