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Reach your full potential and become SUPER HUMAN


So, this is not a science fiction article, but the title clearly defines the result I wish to attain with all the business people I coach and consult. Many of my customers ask questions on why I work so much on their personal growth first as they would instead be focusing on the business side of things. My response is usually “if you are a leader in your business, then you need to be at your full potential, and the rest will fall in its place on its own.”.

Let’s face it, your business and work environment are a direct reflection of whoever is leading the business (that would usually be you). I still remember being employed in a variety of places where you could feel the vibe of the place by merely spending a short amount of time in the office. Most times, this was a direct reflection of my boss. Therefore, if my boss was strict and a pain to endure, the environment used to be what he used to project, on the other hand, if he was positive, relaxed and helpful the vibe used to reflect precisely that. This is, of course, more the case for small businesses, but it is also true with larger firms where the founder usually projects his/her views and values on the company.

Let’s face it, your business and work environment are a direct reflection of whoever is leading the business (that would usually be you)

This perception is the same with customers; they will perceive your business in the same manner as they perceive you and the values and vibe you imbue your business with. So how can you supercharge your business? Simple by supercharging yourself and your potential. The next question you are probably asking yourself is “how do I do that?” Well, this is the first article of several articles but what I want to start with today is, upgrading your peer group.

What I mean by this is the following, we are a sum of the environment and the people that surround us. Our peer group affects us in so many ways that it is impossible to quantify the effects our peer group has on us at a variety of levels. Let’s give an example; you are part of a group of friends; most of them are demoralized for a variety of reasons. When you meet up you probably meet at a pub and spend hours there complaining about life and how hard things are. What does that vibe tell you about how you will perceive life following that overdose of negativity? Is that the vibe you want to project? Is that what you want your customers to perceive when they interact with your business? I am not saying that if this is your life, you should dump your friends. Still, in the same manner, your peer group affects you if you decide to scale up your contact group to positive, forward-thinking individuals that are always on the lookout for the opportunity in situations even in the most negative of scenarios.

How do you think you would perform as part of that kind of group? How would you look at life? How would you react to hardship? After a while, you would roll up your sleeves pull out your guns and fight until you get things your way and if things don’t go your way you wait and look for opportunity. The point is that in business and life, everything is a matter of perspective. Outlook on life is everything. Successful people no matter what part of society they form part of, have this common mental setup that allows them to persevere in the face of hostility, which allows them to follow their dreams no matter what difficulties they face.
Peer groups influence your network too. Usually positive successful people surround themselves with the same kind of people. Try this, join a network of innovative and forward-thinking business people, and over time you will notice that more similar people will walk in your life. With time your frame of mind and your behaviour patterns will start changing, and you will mature and change, not only as a business person but also as a human being. You can meet forward-thinking people all over the internet, especially on LinkedIn, in this day and age this is not difficult. Practice this and keep upgrading your peer group, and there is no limit to what you can accomplish and what life you can create for yourself.

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