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Have you ever felt like everyone you usually count on has let you down? How do you think when this happens? Is it truly them or you? Do you understand what is going on in their lives enough to handle the situation with a lucid mind?

Let’s say that if you are angry and resentful due to a current situation, you probably are not thinking straight, and you need some time to cool down and appreciate these people for who they are when they are at their best and not when you feel they let you down!

OK, so think percentages, what is the percentage ratio that these people let you down when compared to how significant their impact is on your business or career.

Consider what the effect of their actions on your life is. Weigh everything up and then try to compare if the culprit of this feeling is you or the rest.

The chances are that the more important these people are in your business, the more disappointed you will feel. Yet if they are this valuable then it means that in the end, they are relevant and useful because they do a lot of good positive stuff when compared to the bad negative things that you are so worked upon now. If they do screw up well, their mistakes will be of a certain magnitude to reflect the responsibility you put on them. Do not make a mistake to delve back in the operations side of the business because of this. Teach them, improve them, build systems around them that reduce the chances of failure. In the end, if you create a system to manage people instead of a system to serve you better, scaling up will be less taxing.

No one ever said that business was simple, especially with other people involved. It is how you handle things that make the difference. Micromanagement of people is rarely the right thing to do, and you know it, you hate when people do it to you, so do not do it to others. Make sure your systems work and the rest will all fall in its place.

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