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happy people

Ever noticed that when people around you are in a generally good mood your mood improves too? It happens even with momentum on a project or work. When someone is totally motivated to move forward in a project most of the time the rest of the team will follow suit and their motivation will improve too.

This is energy transfer in human beings. It is not science fiction and there are studies around this. Plants do it, animals do it and humans as complex as they are doing it too.  In another of my articles I put forward the fact that you are the sum of your peers and that you should choose wisely who you surround yourself with (if you are interested READ HERE ).

But this article is not about peers it is mostly about how your energy affects the others around you. If you lead a team or a company or simply collaborate your energy is one of the core factors to success. Your energy affects your mood and your mood affects your energy. Now, something very important is indeed mood and your control on it.

This energy when you apply it and you go out of your way to transfer it to your team becomes contagious. I always find it very useful when I walk into the office to joke and chat with everyone as this helps raise energy levels. Not only that, I always notice those individuals that are slower than usual and I try as much as I can rub off on them some of the energy which eventually starts their day in a better place than it would have had I not slipped an extra couple of compliments and funny stuff to start their day in a better place.

With time you start noticing a shift, people show up with a smile at the office because they associate it with a good vibe. Like when going to a nice gala dinner you show up with a tux and not in jeans and sweater. People accustom themselves and their vibe with their surroundings and unconsciously try to adapt.

Let’s just say energy both positive or negative is contagious! Now, what do you do if you wake up in the morning and you don’t feel positive and in a good mood? Well, I have an article coming soon on daily rituals to recharge your energy. Check out my website or my LinkedIn profile for updates.

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