Free Resources for Entrepreneurs & Small Business Owners

Welcome to my free resources section. I am more than happy to share with you some of my experiences. I wish you the best of luck in your life and I hope I can be of help to you especially if you are going through some difficult times.

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Top Reasons Startups Sink Before Year Three: A Survival Guide for New Entrepreneurs

Embarking on a startup is a lot like deciding to climb Mount Everest; it’s exciting, daunting, and statistically, a bit risky! In the business world, a startling number of new […]

Why Budding Entrepreneurs Shouldn’t Go at It Alone: The Power of Finding a Mentor

Starting your own business is a bit like baking a soufflé for the first time; it seems straightforward until everything starts falling flat. This is why having a mentor is […]

What COVID-19 stole from us that we can’t get back.

I am seeing a lot of businesspeople in distress at the moment. I feel for them because I am one of them. What this little parasite of a virus stole [...]

How being resourceful during the Coronavirus outbreak period might save your business from unnecessary losses.

We all know it is here. Everyone is afraid of the Coronavirus situation. Let’s face it; it’s not a pleasant outlook that not only threatens health and wellbeing but at […]

A new year a new life. Why?

It is something we are more than well accustomed to, the new year starts, and we start listing a whole list of resolutions of what we want to do and [...]


Have you ever felt like everyone you usually count on has let you down? How do you think when this happens? Is it truly them or you? Do you understand [...]

Embrace Pain

DO YOU FEEL PAIN? There is this scene in the movie Batman VS Superman where Batman asks Superman "Do you bleed?" My question to you is, do you feel pain? [...]


Ever noticed that when people around you are in a generally good mood your mood improves too? It happens even with momentum on a project or work. When someone is [...]

Dealing with unforeseen circumstances.

When you are at the bottom the only way is up! It has happened to me, and it has happened to you, it has happened to every one of us. [...]

Building up your emotional immune system

Many ask me questions related to performance and focus. I know that many of you like myself have these specific periods where you feel drained, blocked and lost. Where your [...]

Knowledge VS Action

Action wins every single time! In this day and age, we are flooded with information. One might say that knowledge is everywhere and is available at the touch of a [...]

Reach your full potential and become SUPER HUMAN

So, this is not a science fiction article, but the title clearly defines the result I wish to attain with all the business people I coach and consult. Many of [...]

The one secret for a successful business

Nowadays, we see a lot of social media ads that promise 10 x business and 20 x business increases. Never-ending top 10 tips that will transform your business overnight, the [...]

The value of planning a day away from it all

I have been there and done it. There was a time when I was on my own. I had to attend to customers, and I had to work on my [...]